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Koichi Takagi


◾️What is your career history so far?

After graduating from graduate school, I was interested in the IT world so I got a job at a major mobile content provider.

After that, I worked as a director, in charge of development direction and new business planning.

As I gained experience in a management position, I wanted to gain in-depth knowledge of system development, so I decided to become a systems engineer.

However, I still had a lot to learn as an engineer, so I took the opportunity to relearn system development from scratch. After that, I worked as a developer at a smartphone game development company, where I was able to get a sense of accomplishment as an engineer, so I decided to go independent.

After going independent, I worked as a freelancer, developing systems on a contract basis and running a programming school.

I also thought that contract system development could be done anywhere as long as I had the skills and a PC, so in order to realize my long-held goal of "working while traveling around the world," my wife and I spent about a year traveling around the world working while we went.

After returning to Japan, I joined Carelinks‏ as system development manager in October 2020 in order to settle down and work again.

Currently, I am in charge of managing the entire system development.

◾️You have a very humorous career...
I imagine you have had a wide variety of experiences, but what is the rewarding feeling that you can only get from working at Carelinks‏?

Over the past two years, with the spread of the coronavirus, the number of PCR test stores has expanded rapidly, and the number of users has increased rapidly and enormously.

Every day, the team discussed and implemented how to create a system that could withstand the rapid growth of the business.

When we say systems, we don't just mean writing programs. There were many things to consider, such as how to create a system that is easy to use for store staff who are not good at IT, and how to improve the work efficiency of the lab staff who analyze samples.

Looking back, it was such an exciting and turbulent time that I can't even remember what I was doing, but we managed to get through it, and when I think about the fact that the product is being used by a cumulative total of over 1 million customers, I feel very rewarded.

◾️I believe that Mr. Takagi has been a member of Carelinks‏ since its founding, but from your perspective, what is the CEO of Carelinks‏ (Mr. Kintsu) like?

I think he is the most business-savvy manager I have ever met.

The CEO's mind is always filled with thoughts of "What to do next" and "How to grow the business," and there is a culture of coming up with new business ideas every few days and discussing them within the company.

As an engineer, it is really interesting to think about how to develop ideas that the CEO comes up with and turn them into viable businesses, and at the same time, I feel very grateful to be able to work together with the CEO. That's what it is.

◾️Mr. Takagi, please tell us about the appeal of Carelinks‏ to people who are thinking about working at Carelinks‏ in the future.

Carelinks‏ is a very open organization, and I think the biggest attraction is that each individual can work with discretion.

Of course, because we are a company that is still growing, we are constantly facing change, but the pace is fast and you can really feel that you are helping the company grow.
For those who enjoy changing a company where you can spend a fun and rewarding time.

◾️As the system development manager, please give a message to the engineers who will be joining the company in the future.

I personally believe that the medical field is still an unexplored area where digital transformation has not yet been implemented, so as an engineer and as part of an engineering team, I am working every day to develop a system that can change the foundations of medical care in Japan and make it available to the general public.

A characteristic of our engineering team is that most of the work currently is done remotely, and the age range of our team members is wide and evenly matched, from their 20s to 40s.

Regardless of age or industry experience, if there is something each person can contribute to the team, they will think about it and put it into action, and everyone works hard to "achieve what should be."

If you are interested in our company, please contact us.

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